It has been a lively and uncomfortably hot second week of the year, with all Junior School classes having Parent Information sessions that looked at Teachers’ academic work programs for the children; and classroom organisation. Having been able to attend, albeit briefly, each class’ session from Kindergarten to Year 6 I enjoyed seeing how the curriculum and children’s learning are programmed to develop in a strategically planned way. It should be no secret that CCPS NAPLAN “Learning Gains” (How much on average CCPS children have progressed or learned in their NAPLAN performance over two years of testing in literacy and numeracy) are at least the equal of any school on The Sunshine Coast, particularly in our Junior School. These building blocks of academic learning for lifelong careers and for learning generally help to forge a child’s identity. That is, a child’s self-image is firmly created by the time they reach puberty, and no amount of well meaning but generalised praise can change their own view of themselves. A child firmly knows where they sit in the world, (at least in their mind), by the time they reach Senior School.

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