Inspired and personalised learning

Caloundra City Private School offers a highly personalised approach. Working with each student, we provide an education that prepares them for success in a competitive world.

Our Vision and Values

Our vision is to create opportunities and pathways for all students to excel, develop character and learn the ways to become world ready, global citizens. Our aim is to develop students who are connected, well rounded, kind, courteous, confident, creative and engaged young people, who are ready to make a difference.

Excellence, Integrity, Learning, Respect and Inclusiveness drives all that we do.



Caloundra City Private School is committed to helping all students aim for a level of excellence in all aspects of their schooling and personal lives – in academic achievement, sporting and cultural activities. The teaching staff ensure that the quality of teaching and learning at Caloundra City Private School is of the highest standard. Students are encouraged to strive to achieve the very best in all that they do and to make the most of the opportunities provided by the School.

  • Soar & seek opportunities
  • Goal oriented, precise and focused
  • Courageous and confident in the ability to achieve greatness


Caloundra City Private School is committed to developing within all students, the personal qualities and attributes of honesty, empathy and respect for self and for others.  Students are expected to act with social, moral and ethical integrity at School and in their personal lives.  The students will learn and are expected to take responsibility for their own actions.

  • Old fashioned values and manners
  • Accountability
  • Responsibility


Caloundra City Private School is committed to helping each student achieve to the very best of their abilities, in an environment that allows the students to become active, independent, creative, innovative, resourceful and technological literate learners.  The School encourages problem-solving strategies, collaborative learning, the ability to work effectively in teams, the development of excellent communication skills and an equal say for all students who are motivated to reach their potential.  Caloundra City Private School bases its learning strategies on a differentiated curriculum and flexibility in teaching and learning that engages the students, supports new learning styles and provides challenge and extension.

  • Transferrable skills for the future
  • Personalised learning
  • Opportunities to excel


​​​At Caloundra City Private School we teach and instil the value of respect. Respect for self, for others and for the community beyond the classroom. We encourage students to treat and value everyone equally and work hard to inspire positive changes in outlook and behaviours. Our learning reinforces the value of respect and our staff lead by example by giving respect to students as a mutually beneficial and mature practice.

  • Respect for others and our environment
  • Kindness, honesty and empathy
  • Collaboration and friendship


Caloundra City Private School is committed to ensuring that all students and staff members are free from discrimination based on gender, language, culture, ethnicity, religion or disability within the School community.  Students are encouraged to embrace personal and cultural differences and to be positive, active and informed citizens, in the School, local and global communities.

  • Welcoming of all beliefs
  • An environment free from discrimination
  • Personal and cultural differences are embraced
Those values are represented in our school logo, our identity:





Many colours, many backgrounds.

Many ways to learn and achieve.



The first powerful strokes of an alighting Osprey

Heading skywards to soar or striking an opportunity.

Traditionally, birds of prey represent magnanimity and fortitude of mind.



Excellence, the light and encompassing finishing touch that represents finesse.

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