In times like these that we are experiencing at Caloundra City Private School, the old adage is ‘we can look at it two ways – the glass is half full or half empty’.  Looking at it from the half empty side means that our energy is focussed on what happened or could have been.  When long term staff move on it is disappointing, and we need to, and will, celebrate their achievements and time at the school when the time comes.  I prefer to look at the up-side of this – the glass is half full and getting fuller.  The current staff have commenced working toward a better, more vibrant, exciting educational environment beginning in 2020.  On Monday, the staff worked with Dr Jamie Dorrington who challenged us (the staff) to be the force of change and not to wait for a new Principal, Head of Senior School or other staff.  We were further challenged to investigate what the future would like for the students that we educate and what were or are the factors of change that we would like to see.  The future world is both exciting and worrying with change happening at an astonishing rate.  We must see the solutions rather than seek excuses not to change and have our students ready for the world they will be entering. The Heads of House and I yesterday worked through what and how we would like to see pastoral care and home rooms in 2020 and beyond.  I presented them with a booklet entitled ‘Making Wellbeing Practical’ by Luke McKenna.  The booklet explains what wellbeing looks like in schools and how we can better ensure that we have excellent wellbeing practices at Caloundra City Private School.  Key themes of Making Wellbeing Practical include; We need to do the work to reap the benefits – we need to live, teach and embed positive psychology at all levels of schooling Prevention is better than cure – improving protective factors helps strengthen wellbeing Mental Health is a continuum – we need to build our skills and resources in wellbeing We need a range of tools and strategies for our young people and staff It is far easier to pull someone down than to build someone up – we want to build student capacity in such a way that will help them pull themselves (and others) up. The program bases itself around the concept and positive psychology theory of PERMAH – Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment and Health.  We would like to teach and live personal wellbeing practices at Caloundra City Private School in 2020 and beyond.  As we unpack the program, we will invite parents and the community to information sharing evenings on how they can also be involved. A Simple ‘Puddle’ Changed My Outlook                   I have the very great privilege of coaching/managing the U7 Lightning Cheetahs Oztag team.  We train every Thursday afternoon and play on Monday afternoons at Caloundra Shark’s Rugby fields.  I had had a pretty hard day on Monday with lots of interviews, dealing with student and staff issues, so I was a little worn out when I arrived for our game.  Warm-ups are normally pretty simple – pass the ball around, a game of ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ with a football a bit of a jog down the field.  During our warm-up, the students came across a puddle of water on the field.  The warm-up quickly focussed on the different things the students could do in and around the puddle.  They totally forgot about the game they were about to play.  They were totally engrossed in the games they invented.  At the same time, I totally forgot how tired I was as I laughed and joined in on the fun.  Maybe we all need to come across puddles on days when we are not at the top of our game.  Thanks for the valuable lesson Lightning Cheetahs!  (PS they won the game 8 – 5). Year Six to Year Seven 2020 Orientation Day On Monday October 28, the students commencing their journey into Year Seven 2020 will experience a day in the Senior School.  They shall attend Home Room and then experience lessons in Science, Art, Hospitality and HPE.  An information letter has been sent to Year Six parents explaining the schedule on the day.  It looks to be an exciting way to commence the next part of their schooling.  The Year Six students will also join with their Year Seven – Twelve students in Home Rooms every Tuesday morning.  This again will give them a feeling of what it is like to be a part of the Senior School. Year 11 and 12 Exams A reminder that during Year 11 and 12 exam weeks, the students only need to attend school on the days they have an exam.  They are asked to sign in and out via the School’s Administration office.  The students are required to wear the School’s full formal uniform to all exams.  We wish both groups of students all the very best in the coming weeks. Last Day Term Four Due to several issues involving risk assessment, council by-laws and staff qualifications in surf areas, the planned Beach Activities on the last day of Term Four has been cancelled.  Activities will now occur at school.  A full program will be sent to parents in the coming weeks when the activities have been finalised.  We apologise for the cancelation of this planned day. Have a great week everyone and ‘go gently’.

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