Hi everyone and welcome back! Have you seen the Borrowers’ Leaderboard on the returns chute? This shows which students borrowed the most books each month. Congratulations to Ryan and Bailey for August, and to Sam and Zoe for September. Now, it’s almost the end of October, so I wonder who’ll win for this month? So I know you might wonder, ‘how can I borrow books if there’s no staff there to help me?’ Well, you can borrow your own books out, using this clipboard. Simply write your name and grade, the book title and the bar code, and the book’s yours! Just don’t forget to return it after, because some series have reserves so someone else can read them… especially ‘Mortal Engines’ in Senior, ‘Minecraft Zombie’ books in Junior and ‘Minecraft handbooks’ in non-fiction! Also near the clipboard is a collection jar. There’s a charity called LIDS FOR KIDS which takes used lids from bottles and melts them down to make prosthetics for children who have lost a limb. So, before you throw away your empty drink bottle, can you drop its lid into the jar? That’d be good. Thanks! Finally, the deadline for the Book Fair catalogue is THIS FRIDAY. Seeing as this is how CCPS gets money for the Library, it’d be great to support it! Well, that’s me done. See you next week!