In line with broader community responses to COVID-19, the following Junior School events have been cancelled or postponed. We will notify you of rescheduled dates as we work through solutions. All assemblies, including the Junior School Easter Hat Parade The Junior School Buddies Program End of School Music Concert scheduled for Tuesday, 31 March Junior School Student Parent Teacher Conferences scheduled for Wednesday, 1 April K to 6 Goombuckar Creations Visit scheduled for Thursday, 2 April Cross Country Carnival scheduled for Friday, 3 April Colour Run scheduled for the Friday 3 April Anzac Day Whole Assembly, 22 April Prep to Year 2 Beach Skills Student Representative Committee News This Friday 20 March is The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. The theme for 2020 is Take Action Together. This is the 10th year of this program and the program is a catalyst for Australian schools to take a stand together against bullying. The day brings together more than 60% of schools nationwide, involving more than two million students in finding workable solutions to address bullying and violence. Saturday 21 March is Harmony day. The message of the day is everyone belongs. We celebrate Harmony Day to promote diversity and acceptance of other cultures. Harmony Day aims to start a conversation about heritage, culture and community. The event coincides with the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is an important day because it gives Australians an opportunity to celebrate our successes as a culturally diverse society. Orange is the official Harmony Day colour and is the colour used in the National Day of Action promotions. To raise awareness for these important initiatives, students are being encouraged to wear an orange accessory to school (hair band, ribbon on shirt, wristband etc) this Friday 20 March. OSHC – Vacation Care The Easter Vacation program is available on Parent Portal, it can also be seen here. At this stage, we are taking bookings and we will keep families informed as further advice becomes available. NAPLAN 2020 Parents are reminded that the dates for this year’s NAPLAN tests are Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 May. It is important that all students in Years 3 and 5 are present on these dates. Teachers have been working with the students throughout the year on strategies and problem solving techniques, which will assist them with these tests. This year NAPLAN testing will be conducted online. In preparation, students have access to a practice window from Monday 23 March to Friday 24 April. The practice window is an opportunity for students and teachers to become familiar with the NAPLAN Online test platform. Students and teachers have been familiarising themselves with the type of questions and related functionalities available in the NAPLAN Online assessment through the public demonstration tests. Parents are also invited to use the public demonstration tests to familiarise themselves. Some of the key features include a range of question types, onscreen tools, timers and interactive navigation. There will be further information regarding the tests closer to the dates. Class News from 5JR Year 5 would like to say a special thank you to Michelle Fowler and the wonderful P&F Committee for rescheduling and relocating our CCPS Term 1 Disco. Students were absolutely buzzing in the lead up to last Friday night and enjoyed a fantastic evening of friendship, fun and glowing neon fashion! It was a joy to see the Year 5 students join with their Year 2 buddies on the dance floor and assist them with the e-games hosted by Mr Pride. The disco has again proven to be a Term 1 highlight for the students with wonderful memories created and shared: Dancing to the awesome music with the whole place glowing! (Imogen) I liked the food and the music! (Luna) The limbo, Cotton-Eyed-Joe dance and E-games with Mr Pride! (Rocco) The neon colours, the music and Miss Ryan’s funky dance moves! (Nikita) Definitely the dancing, thank you! (Codi) The dancing and being with my friends. (Peggy) E-games! (Archer and Arya) Limbo, dancing and my glowing hair! (Isabella) I liked how the bright colours glowed in the dark! (Oliver) The music, dancing, limbo and glow sticks! (Leila and Sophie)