Blended Learning

Students completing the Community Sports Coach IDEA’s Program delivered a Multi-sports Gala Day for the Year 3 and 4 Students this week. This event was the culmination of learning how to plan and deliver sports clinics to meet the needs of a specific participant group. Senior School students developed their communication, teamwork, problem solving and leadership skills as they planned for and delivered the clinic. It was fantastic to see the students build rapport with the Year 3 & 4 students and deliver what was a successful sports clinic. Thank you to the Year 3 & 4 Students and Teachers for participating in this real-life learning activity for our Senior School students.

Blended Learning (sometimes called ‘hybrid’ learning) refers to the combination of online
or digital learning and learning face-to-face with educators in a manner that leads to better learning outcomes. The online component can be accessed on or off campus and either inside or outside scheduled lesson time, but the face-to-face interactions with educators usually occur on campus (digital interactions between people are also possible, as demonstrated during COVID 19 shutdowns, but they are not blended learning).

Read the full discussion brief here:

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