These are “Communication Policy”; “Parent’s Code of Conduct”; and “Staff Email Policy”. These three documents are aimed as guidelines within our communications and I trust they will be helpful: Last week I attended meetings of 300 or so national School Principals and it was a profound privilege to be with these outstanding people combined in one venue. Equally with our first day back at School for Term 4 it was soon apparent that the real joy in a school is to be with the people who are learning, more than the buildings and equipment, etc. (It was very quiet at School last week without the children!). These relationships, amongst young people who are learning to work together, and also with staff whose role it is to assist children and families to prosper and to learn, are possibly the most important aspect of school education. At the Principals’ meeting I thought the outstandingly relevant presentation was by Russel Howcroft from ABC’s Gruen Transfer that examines advertising and marketing. Russel is one of Australia’s most prominent characters in this powerful filed of communications. Amongst many salient points he said that he attended a good Independent School which he enjoyed very much but he was not a particularly successful student in that his university entrance score was about average.  Considering that he is currently one of Australia’s leaders in this powerful field of communications, it was interesting to hear his view of the aims students and their parents should have from their schooling. Essentially, he thought Creativity, and the social ability to work with other people successfully are the most important skills to be gained in schooling that can lead to greater successes in adult life. If there are two key things needed from school its learning about Creativity and about Communications. I congratulate the Junior School’s cricket team for their international fixture played against a New Zealand representative team. I understand this proved to be a wonderful, happy learning experience for the boys with their Kiwi counterparts. I also thank our students for their role at the Sunshine Coast Music Festival, either as assisting in setting up for individual events; providing colour by performing on stage; or in being crowd filling characters from our Suessical the Musical.

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