We greatly enjoyed celebrating the children’s successes at Speech Night Thursday night, and the Junior School classes’ Musical Showcase performances on Friday morning at The Events Centre. These were our last end of year celebrations at this venue, as the Raelene Boyle Hall at CCPS will hold such events into the future. Of special merit to note was the performance of Captain of Creative Arts, Sophia La Selva. Sophia played “Rhapsody in Blue” by George Gershwin. It was a privilege to hear another performance from Sophia, a few days after learning that she has gained admission to study at the Conservatorium of Music, in piano and composition. Her skills are unique and she brought some magic to our presentation of awards. In 2016 Nicholas Reynolds gained admission to The Conservatorium; and in 2017 Tim Aitken commenced studying Music at Griffith University Gold Coast campus. Our Guest Speaker was Mr Adrian Wiles, General Manager of the Black Grant Authority which contributed grant funding for our new Raelene Boyle Hall. He is also a highly experienced school Principal who in his address brought specific insight into the significance of the Raelene Boyle Hall for our school.

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