ANZAC Day Assembly
On Wednesday 24 April, our school community from Prep to Year 12 gathered for a special assembly to pay tribute to ANZAC Day and honour all who have fought to protect our way of life in conflicts past and present. The morning began with an address from our Principal, setting the tone for a ceremony filled with respect and gratitude. Our Junior School Captain, Yindi shared the poem A Tribute to ANZAC Day by Ken Bunker and Ava recited The Ode of Remembrance. We were honoured to have Reece Dewar OAM, share his profound perspective on the significance of ANZAC Day after 30 years of service in the Australian Defence Force. He conveyed the values of Sacrifice, Honour, Responsibility, Pride, Faith, and Courage. The Spirit of the ANZAC and ANZAC Ambassador awards were then presented in recognition of students who have shown exceptional commitment and ANZAC qualities: Respect, Courage, Ingenuity, Good Humour and Mateship. Congratulations to the recipients Maddi S. and Abbie T. Students Miranda and Kai then carried a wreath to the front of the school, where it was respectfully laid at the base of the Australian flag. Following the assembly, our City Stars Kindergarten and Pelican’s Nest Kindergarten classes joined together to lay down their own ANZAC wreaths, crafted with care. They then proudly assisted Principal van Niekerk in raising the Australian flag, symbolising our collective commitment to honour and remember.