On Monday and Tuesday evenings of this week, we had information evenings. At the Year 7 to 10 information evening, we discussed ways to help our students get more out of their study time at home. We discussed the importance of an organised learning space at home and the effectiveness of natural light or a lamp, rather than fluorescent lighting which raises cortisol levels, an indicator of anxiety, agitation and a suppressor of language. All young people need at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep consistently. This is essential for optimal brain functioning at school as memory consolidation occurs during sleep. A breakfast high in protein and low in carbohydrate promotes concentration and learning. If young people don’t get enough sleep or eat breakfast they have to work harder at school to concentrate than those who do eat breakfast. And drinking plenty of water is important for brains; they love it. In our Year 11 and 12 information evening, we discussed elements of the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and the ATAR. The principles behind the creation of the new QCE stays the same and that is to offer students valued multiple pathways that have flexibility, and to develop higher standards through a range of learning. The QCE is an achievement-based certificate that recognises a broad range of learning. The ATAR is used to indicate a student’s position relative to other students. It is a 2,000 point scale from 99.95 down to 0.00 – ATARs less than 30.00 will be expressed as ‘30 and below’. The ATAR will be calculated using inter-subject scaling of students Year 12 subject results by Queensland Tertiary Application Centre (QTAC) for entry into courses in 2021. If you would like a copy of any of the PowerPoints, please let us know. I also take this opportunity to let you know the Heads of House. They are your first point of call for any concerns. Ford House – Mr Phil Webb Henzell House – Mrs Lauren Tralau McLean House – Mr Rob Pride Munns House – Mrs Ceridwyn Bloxham We also have Year Level Coordinators. They run year level meetings and cover topics pertaining to a particular year level. Year 12 – Mrs Lauren Tralau Year 11 – Mr Rob Pride Year 10 – Dr Peter McMahon Year 9 – Mr Phil Webb Year 8 – Ms Kylie Lush Year 7 – Mrs Ceridwyn Bloxham It has been a great start to the academic year and I look forward to getting to know you and your sons and daughters throughout the year. Warm regards, Sherrie Cuthbert