Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) conducts a survey every five years that examines Independent School parents’ attitudes to schooling and decisions around selecting their children’s school. The survey aims to understand how and why parents make their decision. Independent Schools seek to continue to meet the needs of parents whilst maintaining a healthy and viable school. The 2014 survey was completed by more than 1,000 Queensland parents. The most important factors were: preparation for the student to fulfil their potential in later life; good discipline; encouragement of a responsible attitude to schoolwork; high quality of Teachers; and teaching methods/philosophy. Family, friends and colleagues, and other parents with children at the school were the primary influential sources. 70% of parents are commencing the decision making process earlier, at least two years before the child starts school, up from half in 2010. The proportion of parents considering all three systems, Independent, Catholic, and State Schools increased to 28%, from 17% in 2006; and 48% considered only Independent Schools, down from 61% in 2006. 85% of parents did not consider changing school for their child who had started at an Independent School, but this was down from 93% in 2006. The most common reason given for considering change from an Independent School was financial.

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